Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11 Never Forget

Remember the somber horror of 9-11-01 with this "I will Never Forget" design depicting the burning Twin Towers with American flag, bald eagle, and Statue of Liberty interspersed.

SOURCE: Right Leaning

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Rock With Barack

An original Punk Rocker design Pro-Obama shirt brought to you by Gobama. Become a unique part of the Barack Obama movement with this punk rock inspired design. Be a one of kind Barack Obama supporter!


Friday, September 5, 2008

Zazzle's New Seller Incentive Program


Email From Zazzle:

On the heels of Cafepress' announcement that they would be changing their Volume Bonus Program so that Marketplace sales were no longer included in it, Here comes Zazzle to introduce their Seller Incentive Program.

Dearest Friends and Zazzle Members,

Today is a very special day. We are thrilled to announce the Zazzle Seller Incentive Program, which will enable all users to earn significantly more money! With the introduction of volume bonuses and a more-than-doubled referral fee, the earnings potential on Zazzle has now skyrocketed.

Zazzle was originally founded upon the principle of network incentives – that helping others earn real money is a powerful way to grow a business. We’ve experienced tremendous growth in the past few years, and now is the right time to further align your success with ours. The Seller Incentive Program will enable all sellers – whether contributors of content or referrers of traffic – to earn much, much more.

Speaking on behalf of everybody at Zazzle, please consider this a big “Thank You!” as all of you on this email list have contributed to our success in unique and important ways. Empowering people to earn a living on our platform is our passion and we’re more excited than ever about serving you with the very best products and features.

We continue to be humbled by your creative genius, inspired by your entrepreneurial spirit, and we anxiously await your increased success from this launch. So, at last, please check out the new Zazzle Seller Incentive Program!

Very truly yours,

Bobby and Jeff Beaver Signature

Bobby & Jeff Beaver
Co-Founders, Inc.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Un Censored

What a great shirt to confuse people with! Normally swears such as "Fuck" and "Shit" will get blurred in public viewing spectrums. This shirt makes fun of this by showing a blurred out list of words. Thing is, all these words are the acceptable forms of common swears; Frick, Shoot, Darn, Heck. Instant classic of an idea and shirt!

SOURCE: Threadless T-Shirts